
Compare to The Great Gatsby

Relating to something we are studying in class

    In The English Patient, Almasy falls in love with the wife of his friend—Katharine.

  He as attracted to Katharine after hearing she read a poem from his book of Herodotus. They soon begin a love affair and later they are obsessed with each other. They cannot bear to be separated from each other, sneaking private moment as long as possible. Meanwhile, Katharine is confused about what to do, as she hates a lie but knows that Geoffrey will go mad if she tells him about her affair. Finally, Katharine breaks off their affair, telling Almasy that she will go back to her husband. Although their affair is over, Almasy remains haunted by her.

    The similar story also happened in The Great Gatsby. By being a bootlegger, Gatsby turns into a wealthy and “successful” man.  After a reunion arranged by Nick, Daisy realizes how rich Gatsby is and she is kind of moved by Gatsby’s insistence on her. Then they begin an affair. Just when Gatsby think he can repeat the past and stay with Daisy forever, Tom reveals all his secrets. Sadly, Daisy’s turns to Tom immediately—or it seems that Daisy has never thought about leaving her husband and being with Gatsby formally. In the end, Gatsby is killed because of Daisy’s fault, while Tom and Daisy have gone to somewhere else to enjoy their rest of lives.

    Both men in the novel have their own girls. They love the girls deeply and are willing to do anything for them. Gatsby runs illegal business to become rich, he host huge parties to catch Daisy’s attention, he took the blame of killing Ms.Wilson and eventually loses his life…… 

     Katharine takes her frustration out on Almasy, making various colors of bruises on his skin with her blows, throwing plates at his head, and stabbing forks into his shoulder. But still, Almasy loves her so much and counts her as the most important part of his life. However, both two women choose go back to their husbands, the difference is that Katharine loves Almasy deeply too, while Daisy just attracted to Gatsby’s wealthy.

