
Something about Ownership and Label (1)

    Almasy hates to "own or to be owned". After The first time they have a relationship, he says:"When you leave, please forget me." Actually, the love between them is struggle in "ownership" and "label".
    Besides ownership, Almast doesn't like adjectives (give label) .He says:"A thing is a thing, no matter what you put in front of it. Big car, chauffeur-driven car ,is still a car." Katharine counters:"Love? Romantic love, platonic love, filial love, quite different?" Geoffrey(Katharine) continues:"There is also noxiousness, excessive love for one's wife”, which is how ironic.

    "Ownership" is not only happen among people, but also happen in countries and people. Your nations and race is the labels attached on you When Geoffrey  finds out  her wife’s affair with Almasy. He attempted to kill all three of them by crashing the plane into Almasy, who was standing on the ground. The plane missed Almasy, but the crash killed Geoffrey, Almasy places Katharine in a nearby cave, covering her with a parachute for warmth, and promises to come back for her. He walkes across the desert for four days until he reaches the nearest town, but when he gets there, the English army does not want to help him get back to Katharine, just because” Almasy”  sounds like a foreigner’s name, the British are suspicious and locked him up as a spy, stops him from saving Katharine.
     Eventually Almasy is released, but he knows it is too late to save his lover. He uses the map he draws to exchange a plane(an English plane captures by German),just for going to that cave in desert and keep promise to Katharine:"I'll be back. I promise I'll never leave you". Unfortunately, when goes back with Katharine's body, the plane is machine-gunned by German since they think that is enemy. Finally, the plane malfunctions during the flight and catches fire. Almasy parachuted down from the plane, his body covered in flames. That is the point at which the Bedouins found him and cared for his burns. It is so sad and ironic that Almasy is refused by English army when he is actually working for them, while is attacked by German soldiers when he becomes a German spy. Because of “label” that other people put on him, he is misunderstood again and again. Furthermore, it is the war that makes the world beset by a lack of trust. They catch everyone who looks like a spy and refuse to give any support.

